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Metabolic Syndrome and lifestyle changes to manage it

Metabolic Syndrome and lifestyle changes to manage it

The term “metabolic syndrome” is mentioned and you immediately wonder: What is metabolic syndrome? “Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance syndrome or syndrome X, is a combination of several conditions that — together — increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes and heart disease,” says Dr. Karla Saint Andre, an endocrinologist at Houston Methodist. Its prevalence is increasing worldwide,…

Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss

Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss

There is a big difference in the Fat loss and Weight loss. Weight loss refers to an overallreduction in body weight. This weight might include body fat, water, muscle, bone weight,etc. But Fat loss is specific and it is the reduction of fat alone from the body.Fat loss must be our real goal. A healthy diet focuses on fat loss…

Emotional eating: Causes and Solutions

Emotional eating: Causes and Solutions

Physical hunger VS Emotional hunger: Emotional hunger vs. Physical hunger Emotional hunger comes on suddenly Physical hunger comes on gradually Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied instantly Physical hunger can wait Emotional hunger craves specific comfort foods Physical hunger is open to options—lots of things sound good Emotional hunger isn’t satisfied with a full stomach. Physical hunger…

Calorie Counting Vs Healthy Eating

Calorie Counting Vs Healthy Eating

There is a lot of difference of opinion when it comes to which method is moreeffective. Both calorie counting and healthy eating are backed by research. A lot ofpeople now agree to the fact that Calorie counting is primitive and lacks the foodwisdom which is the core of healthy eating. Healthy eating is a recent and moreupdated method. But calorie…

7 Healthy Eating Motivation Strategies

7 Healthy Eating Motivation Strategies

Start with minimum/ Keep it Simple Set and Write SMART goals Get an Accountability Partner Don’t try to change everybody else around you Set Reminders  Redesign your surroundings to create new habits Read or listen every day to motivational speakers  Reward yourself with things other than food for small successes Keep looking at the daily goal list during the day…