Constipation can be uncomfortable and can lead to health problems. Fruits high in fibre, probiotics, whole grains, pulses, and a variety of other foods can help relieve and prevent constipation.
This article defines constipation and describes the symptoms of the condition. It also includes a list of foods and beverages that may help alleviate it.
We also discuss some of the alternative options and when a person should see a doctor.
Following that, the article answers some frequently asked questions about constipation, including its causes and treatment.

What exactly is constipation?
Constipation is the medical term for a decrease in bowel movements or difficulty passing stool.
Everyone’s bowel habits vary, but constipated people typically have less than three bowel movements per week.
Constipation is quite common. Constipation affects approximately 16 out of every 100 adults in the United States. Constipation affects approximately 33 out of every 100 adults aged 60 and up, with the risk increasing with age.
Constipation can cause the following symptoms in addition to having fewer than three bowel movements per week:
• stools that are hard, dry, or lumpy • stools that resemble small stones or marbles
• bowel movement pain and discomfort • a feeling of being unable to completely empty the bowels • a loss of appetite due to a constant sense of fullness • a slightly swollen abdomen
After wiping, a person may notice small streaks of bright red blood in the stools or on the toilet paper.
7 foods and beverages that can help with constipation
People’s bowels react differently to different foods. The following, however, may help relieve constipation.
1. Flaxseed and olive oils
Olive and flaxseed oils have a mild laxative effect, which aids in the passage of materials through the intestines.
These oils also have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as compounds that aid digestion.
A 2015 randomised controlled trial discovered that olive and flaxseed oils help relieve constipation in hemodialysis patients.
The effects of olive oil and flaxseed oil in this study were comparable to those of mineral oil, a laxative that medical professionals sometimes recommend to treat constipation.
Probiotics (good bacteria)
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that may aid in gut health and stool softening.
A systematic review of four randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published in 2017 looked at the efficacy of probiotics as a treatment for constipation in elderly adults. Overall, the study found that probiotics improved constipation by 10-40% when compared to a placebo.
The authors noted that the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium longum was used in the majority of the RCTs. More randomised controlled trials are needed to determine the most effective probiotic strains, doses, and treatment durations.
Kefir and yoghurt
Probiotics can be found in a variety of dairy products, including yoghurt and kefir.
A study published in 2017 looked into the effectiveness of kefir in preventing constipation in people with mental and physical disabilities. Each participant received 2 grammes (g) of freeze-dried or “lyophilized” kefir with their meals for 12 weeks.
Kefir was found to significantly reduce constipation in the study. However, while some people experienced complete constipation relief, others did not. The authors concluded that drinking kefir on a daily basis could help prevent constipation.
Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish that contains probiotic bacteria that may aid in gut health and constipation relief.
According to a 2016 study, two tablespoons of homemade sauerkraut contain approximately the same amount of bacteria as probiotic supplements.
3. Legumes and vegetables
Insoluble fibre is abundant in vegetables. This type of fibre bulks up stools, promoting more regular bowel movements.
Sulforaphane, a substance found in broccoli, may protect the gut and aid digestion.
Sulforaphane may also help to prevent the overgrowth of certain intestinal microorganisms that can disrupt digestion.
Healthy people in a 2017 study ate either 20 g of raw broccoli sprouts or 20 g of alfalfa sprouts every day for four weeks. The researchers discovered that people who ate broccoli sprouts had fewer constipation symptoms and faster bowel movements.
four. pulses
The majority of beans, lentils, and peas are high in fibre.
According to a 2017 study, 100 g of cooked pulses provides about 26% of the daily fibre intake that doctors recommend in the United States.
A 100 g serving of pulses also contains significant amounts of other nutrients that aid in constipation relief, such as: • potassium • folate • zinc • vitamin B6
5. Fruits Fruits are high in insoluble fibre and have a high water content. Fruit is especially effective at relieving constipation because of this. The fruits listed below can be used to treat symptoms.
Fruits high in fibre
Fruits high in fibre that may help with constipation include:
• Kiwifruit: 100 g of kiwifruit contains approximately 3 g of fibre on average. Kiwifruit also contains actinidine, an enzyme that relieves upper gastrointestinal symptoms such as: o abdominal discomfort o pain o indigestion o reflux
• Apples and pears: These fruits are high in water content, which can aid digestion and prevent constipation. To get the most out of apples and pears, eat them raw and whole, with the skin still on. These fruits contain a variety of compounds that aid digestion, including:
o fiber \so sorbitol \so fructose
• Grapes: These fruits are high in fibre and have a high skin-to-flesh ratio. They also have a high water content, which helps to moisten hard stools.
• Blackberries and raspberries are high in fibre and water, which can help with constipation. A handful or two of raw, washed blackberries or raspberries per day can be beneficial.
Prunes, in addition to being high in fibre, contain sorbitol and phenolic compounds, both of which may have digestive benefits.
A 2018 study looked at the effect of prunes on the severity of constipation in women aged 60 and up. The 60 participants were divided into two groups of 30.
Both groups continued to eat their regular diets. The treatment group, on the other hand, received 50 g of rehydrated prunes every morning for three weeks.
The treatment group, as opposed to the control group, showed a significant reduction in the severity of constipation symptoms. These modifications began at the end of the first week and lasted until the end of the third week.
The researchers concluded that prunes could be an effective complementary treatment for reducing the severity of constipation in older women.
Bread, cereals, and pasta made from whole wheat
Insoluble fibre is abundant in whole wheat products. Whole wheat products should be eaten raw or lightly cooked to get the most nutrients.
Bran from wheat
The hard outer layer of the wheat kernel is known as bran. It contains a lot of insoluble fibre.
In 2017, researchers looked into the efficacy of wheat bran as a treatment for constipation in infants and older children. For seven months, researchers evaluated 51 children.
During this time, researchers found that increasing bran intake was associated with significant improvements in bowel habits. 86% of the children had improved bowel habits by the end of the study.
7. Fluids
Stools become softer and easier to pass when they are moistened with liquids. The liquids listed below can be used to treat constipation.
Constipation is frequently caused by dehydration. When a person is dehydrated, their intestines are unable to add enough water to their stools. Hard, dry, lumpy stools caused by dehydration are difficult to pass.
Drinking plenty of water can help to alleviate or resolve symptoms and prevent constipation.
Soups that are clear
Because warm liquids and foods are generally easier to digest, clear soups may be especially effective at relieving constipation.
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