Rasha Shaikh,
An excellent nutritionist .Asma is very focussed and has vast knowledge about her work and her diets are do able.She is also in tune with the medical world, our health problems and how to overcome it by having a healthy diet.She is very caring and respects the condition of her clients.Her hardwork ,dedication and efforts behind us makes her very unique.She is very responsive and guides each of the sessions by making us understand what actually we are doing.Hats off to your efforts 👏
– Rasha Shaikh
Software Engineer
Lost 5 kgs in 4 weeks
IT Professional based in Pune
I’ve completed my 90 days challenge with an 8 kgs fall in my weight. Alhamdulillah.
Also issues which were highlighted in my blood work at the beginning of the challenge seemed to have improved with a bit more guidance needed from you, which am keen to follow and looking forward to.
Asma, you’ve made me understand the value of good health and the abundance of healthy food available which we had deprived ourselves.
The best I liked was our calls where you took good charge of my both emotional and the practical approach towards life.
MashaAllah BaarakAllah you are well versed and a wise coach.💐 Keep up the good spirits of Khair which you’re doing and help the unaware.
JazakumAllah Khairan wa kaseerah.😊
Banjara Hills,

Fouzia Waseem, Happy Client
I am Fouzia Waseem .I am 36 years and I am a housewife. I have taken Asma’s 90 days challenge for weight loss. What I love about her is I love her energy, her passion, and her simplicity. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement you gave me in loosing 10 kgs in 3 months. I have so enjoyed eating the correct food and cooking it in correct way which made my meals tasty and interesting, as well as nutritious. I now know that balanced nutrition, discipline and exercise are key factors and we can live healthier and a happy life. Thank you once again Asma.