The ketogenic diet, which is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, can be difficult to begin. After all, it’s probably a drastic change from the way you eat presently (a typical standard American diet is high in carbohydrates and processed foods). However, many people are experimenting with the keto diet, which induces ketosis in the body.
That’s what happens when your body’s carb-burning switch switches to fat-burning mode, affecting everything from weight loss to type 2 diabetes — though doctors warn that much more research on the health impacts of keto diets in general is needed.

Following are few key points about diet:
- Understand Which Foods to Eat and Avoid on the Ketogenic Diet
You’ll be drastically reducing carbs if you stick to a keto food plan. Begin with 20 to 30 grammes (g) of carbohydrates per day, suggests Kristen Mancinelli, RD, author of The Ketogenic Diet: A Scientifically Proven Approach to Fast, Healthy Weight Loss in New York City.
Also, make sure you understand which foods are high in carbs, fat, and protein so you can make the best selections. Carbohydrates can be found in foods other than bread, spaghetti, chips, cookies, candy, and ice cream. Beans may be high in protein, but they are also high in carbs. Carbohydrates are abundant in fruits and vegetables. Meat (protein) and pure fats like butter and olive oil are the only foods that do not contain carbohydrates.
- Examine Your Relationship With Fat – Keto Involves A Lot Of It!
“People are terrified of fat because they’ve been taught it will kill them,” adds Mancinelli. What is perplexing is that research is still mixed today. Some research show that substituting saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat (and avoiding harmful trans fat) is significant for lowering the risk of heart disease, while others imply that total fat and fat types are unrelated to cardiovascular problems. Determining how to eat gets difficult as a result. What’s important to remember, according to the authors of one study, is that food is more than a single nutrient, and it’s the entire quality of the diet that matters.
To prepare for a high-fat diet, which might be uncomfortable at first, she suggests making minor changes to what you eat every day, such as ordering a burger on lettuce leaves instead of fries.
Instead of potatoes or rice with your dinner, use a non-starchy vegetable. Begin cooking with additional oil, such as olive or avocado oil. Realize that traditional dieting behaviours, such as creating a basic skinless grilled chicken breast, don’t make sense on a keto diet because you won’t receive enough fat.
“Begin gradually reducing carbs and increasing fat intake. “If you’re terrified of fat, a ketogenic diet won’t work for you,” she explains.
- Change Your Mind About Protein – This Is a Moderate-Protein Diet
One of the most popular misconceptions regarding the keto diet is that you may eat as much protein as you want. However, this is not a carbohydrate-only diet; you must also limit your protein intake, according to Ginger Hultin, RDN, a registered dietitian in Seattle. Protein can be turned into glucose, thus eating too much of it can cause your body to exit ketosis. Consider your ratios to be a little bit of meat covered with a substantial amount of fat, rather than the other way around.
- Improve Your Cooking Skills to Prepare Fresh Foods, as High-Carb Processed Foods Aren’t Allowed on Keto.
Look through a number of keto websites and cookbooks to find keto-approved dishes you’ll enjoy. Mancinelli suggests finding four to five recipes with things you know you’ll enjoy. “That way, you’re not sitting around wondering what to eat and resorting to carbs,” she explains.
- Discuss Your Diet Weight Loss Objectives with Your Family
Inform them of your plans. You might not be able to consume what they’re eating during family mealtimes, so prepare them (and yourself) for your new habits. Because this diet is usually done for a short period of time (three to six months), you can tell them that it is only temporary.
If you encounter criticism, say, “I’ve done my research, I’ve determined it’s safe, and I really want to try this,” suggests Mancinelli. They don’t have to agree with what you’re doing, but having their support is beneficial. According to a 2014 study, having the support of friends and coworkers helped dieters lose weight and keep it off for two years. (4) It also doesn’t hurt if everyone understands your keto diet goals, so they’re less likely to promote workplace sweets or advise splitting a side of fries while you’re out to dinner.
- Be aware of the potential side effects.
For all the benefits of a ketogenic diet (such as weight loss), there is one major negative effect to be aware of: the keto flu.
The keto flu is a term that refers to the period following the start of the diet when your body adjusts to using fat for energy. “Some people have no difficulty with it, while others are miserable,” Mancinelli explains.
You may feel unusually lethargic in your limbs over the first week or ten days. Walking upstairs may seem hard. You can experience mental fog. Because of the reduction in fibre consumption, keto often causes constipation or diarrhoea.
As a result, choose a start date when your week isn’t packed with commitments and obligations; choose a leisurely period when you can rest as needed. Similarly, take it easy with exercise for the first week or two while your body adjusts to burning more fat rather than carbs for fuel.
- Boost Your Electrolytes to Prevent or Reduce Unwanted Keto Side Effects
Mancinelli notes that when you’re in ketosis, your kidneys excrete more water and electrolytes. Check to see if you’re receiving enough sodium and potassium. Salt your dishes, sip salted bone broth, and eat nonstarchy vegetables like okra and Kaddu.
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