There is a big difference in the Fat loss and Weight loss. Weight loss refers to an overall
reduction in body weight. This weight might include body fat, water, muscle, bone weight,
etc. But Fat loss is specific and it is the reduction of fat alone from the body.
Fat loss must be our real goal. A healthy diet focuses on fat loss but fad diets often lead to
loss of muscle and water weight. Fat loss helps in the reversal of insulin resistance and
metabolic syndromes. it improves our health drastically. It can even help us to live a
medicine-free life ahead.

How to know you are losing fat?
The conventional method is to use a weighing scale every week. This will only help us find
out the total weight loss. But it doesn’t give an idea about fat loss.
Body fat scales are better at this job. They measure total body fat percentage and muscle. It is
more accurate than regular scales. You will get a clear picture of fat loss by using it.
skinfold calipers are other economical and reliable equipment that give accurate body fat
readings. They are small and convenient to carry around.
How to target Fat loss instead of Weight loss?
Muscle loss is very harmful to our bodies. Calorie restriction or fad diet often leads to muscle
loss. Another disadvantage of this kind of diet is it can lead to mineral loss. Both muscles and
minerals are very essential for our body. We should always do things to maintain and keep
our muscles healthy. Muscles have many vital functions in our body.
Atrophied muscles are smaller than normal muscles. Muscle atrophy occurs because of lack
of physical activity, poor nutrition, injury, etc.
Supplementation with Vitamin D has become essential these days. It also helps with muscle
loss issues.
Healthy muscle mass is essential for weight loss as well. More muscle means more fat loss
even when you rest.
How to achieve more fat loss and gain more muscle mass?
Both vegetable and protein intake are essential to achieve fat loss and muscle gain. Keto diet
is very popular these days. It is a very good approach. But many people when they go on
keto include lots of protein and ignore the vegetables which are very import. Vegetables
supply vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals which acts as precursors for many enzymes,
catalyst, and are important for many biochemical reactions which occur in body for
maintenance and growth of muscle. Without enough vegetables natural detox isn’t possible.
Protein requirement is approximately 1 gm per kg body weight. If we eat more than this then
it will not be stored in the body. It will be eliminated and will be just added burden or
kidneys. So balancing the protein with lots of vegetables and small amount of healthy fat
makes a perfect diet for weight loss and maintenance.
Physical activity and exercise also play a crucial role in muscle health. I repeat healthy
muscle means more weight loss even at rest. Regular walking should never be under
estimated. It is an evergreen option to add some physical activity to our routine. It promotes
both muscle and bone health. It also helps in burning extra calories if done regularly for
atleast 45 mins.
For those who have an idea of what healthy eating is the next step should be to include some
strenght training in their weekly routine. Combining it with cardio, walking and enough rest
will make a very good work out plan. Eercise has tons of benefits both on our mind and body.
All of this will help in Fat loss and in building healthy muscles and bones.
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