Yogurt, a favourite of both children and adults, is regarded as a superfood due to its numerous health benefits. Yogurt contains a lot of nutrients. It’s a fantastic source of protein and calcium. It also has B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. It boosts metabolism and gives you a sense of fullness.

How is Yogurt Produced?
Its beneficial properties are derived from the process of bacterial fermentation of milk. Yogurt is made with probiotics such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. They ferment milk, converting lactose to lactic acid.
Lactic acid is produced, which coagulates the proteins in milk, giving it a thick texture and a sour taste. Yoghurt can now be enjoyed plain or sweetened or flavoured with fruits of choice. Yogurt can be used in a variety of dishes as well as smoothies.
The following are the top ten health benefits of eating yoghurt:
• Improves Digestion:
Consuming yoghurt on a daily basis keeps our bowel movements regular and our body’s flora healthy. It kills harmful bacteria in the gut and improves the health of our digestive system.
Yogurt has also been shown to help with lactose intolerance, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, and Helicobacter pylori infections.
• Natural Immunity Booster:
Consuming yoghurt on a regular basis boosts our immune system and protects our bodies from a variety of infections. Yogurt is effective against gastrointestinal infections, respiratory issues such as the common cold and flu, and even cancer.
Yogurt contains magnesium, selenium, and zinc, all of which help to boost immunity.
• Lowers cancer risk:
Yogurt has anti-carcinogenic properties and has been shown to protect our bodies from colon, bladder, and breast cancer.
• Regulates Blood Sugar Levels:
Consuming homemade, unsweetened yoghurt on a regular basis helps to regulate blood sugar levels and is especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
• Beneficial to Bones:
Yoghurt is high in calcium, making it ideal for bone health. Yogurt consumption on a regular basis preserves bone mass and strength, lowering the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
• Reduces Inflammation:
Consuming yoghurt on a daily basis reduces inflammation in the body. Most autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis are caused by inflammation.
• Lowers High Blood Pressure and the Risk of Heart Disease:
Regular consumption of yoghurt has been shown to lower blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. [13]
As a result, yoghurt lowers the risk of heart disease.
• Lowers Appetite and Weight:
Yogurt’s high protein content makes us feel full, reduces our appetite, and thus lowers our calorie consumption. As a result, weight loss is encouraged.
• Reduces Depression:
Probiotics in yoghurt help to reduce anxiety and stress, making depression patients feel better.
Reduces Allergy Symptoms:
Yogurt consumption reduces the number of antibodies produced by our immune system in response to any type of allergy. This action is caused by probiotics found in yoghurt. [16]
How to Make Yogurt at Home in 4 Simple Steps:
STEP 1: Heat the milk (use whole milk for thicker, creamier yoghurt) and remove from the heat just before it boils.
STEP 2: Allow the milk to cool.
STEP 3: When the milk is just warm enough to touch, add the yoghurt and stir well. (Add around 2 tablespoons of yoghurt to 1 litre of milk).
STEP 4: After that, leave the mixture alone in a warm place for 6 to 8 hours ( or overnight).
Your homemade yoghurt is almost done. You can eat it right away or store it in the refrigerator for later.
Yoghurt’s Negative Effects:
There are no known side effects of eating yoghurt, but it is recommended that you make your own because commercial brands are high in sugars and preservatives, both of which are harmful to our health.
Homemade yoghurt is preferable to commercial varieties, which may contain hidden sugar and preservatives. Eat it on its own or with your meals, top with fruit, or drink it as a beverage.
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